Our Combustion Leads

Kellen Cao
Team Captain
Kellen is a fourth year Electrical Computer Engineering Major and also the Team Captain of Longhorn Racing Combustion. Before becoming captain, he was mainly involved in powertrain and electronic work, and he loves to interact with all forms of automotive engineering. You can pretty much always find him somewhere in the ETC, and very occasionally in the classes that he paid money to attend. This team has built his skill set and passion for learning, and he is honored to get the chance to involve more people into it. Feel free to reach out to him at any time!

Sahith Mocharla
Operations Lead
Sahith is a second year Accounting & International Relations student at the University of Texas at Austin. As Operations lead, he leads (follows) the rest of the team and manages things like treasury, corporate relations and public relations. When he isn't pretending to study you can probably find him attempting to recreate a viral recipe or binge-watching 2000s sitcoms!

Edward Maddox
Dynamics Lead
Edward is a third year Mechanical Engineer from Laredo, Texas and the combustion team's Dynamics lead. Like his predecessor, you'll usually find him at the ETC not taking care of his responsibilities, so come talk to him about tires, suspension, or anything else that moves on the car. (There is still no guarantee it'll make sense). When he's not doing LHR, he's usually thinking about how he needs to finally get a haircut. Fun fact: his favorite snack is Haribo gummy bears, and they (allegedly) taste better at the ME machine shop.

Gautam Vachaspati
Chief Engineer
Gautam is a 4th year mechanical engineering student from Keller, TX. He likes to live on the edge (of a 4-year undergrad).

Khoi Pham
Manufacturing Lead
Khoi is a second year Mechanical Engineering student from Allen, Texas, and is the current Manufacturing Lead. He loves machining and spends too much time in the shop instead of in classes. If you see him around, you should ask him about carbide inserts.

Ameya Dhumal
Powertrain Lead
Ameya (Amey-mey), is a third year Mechanical Engineering major from Folsom, California and this season’s Powertrain Lead (again). Outside of things that go boom to make vroom, Ameya also enjoys mountain biking, bodybuilding and Hans Zimmer. Fun fact: he might be Batman, but that’s for him to know and for you to find out.

Clayton Christy
Composites Lead
Clayton is a second-year mechanical engineering student from Granbury, Texas. As the Composites System Lead, he is responsible for the design and manufacturing of the composite components of the car. While he may outwardly appear to be a baked potato-eating cornball, he moonlights as a felt demon. Cards, billiards, and any type of illegal money-trading activity is his game. Always happy to shake a hand or drink a Red Bull, Clayton is a one-of-a-kind country bumpkin.

Ryan Flick
Electronics Lead

Ryan Gretta
Body Lead
Ryan is a second year Mechanical Engineering major from Austin, Texas and is the current combustion Body Lead. Fun fact, if you are in a 40 feet radius of him and say the word ANSYS, his head will jerk up and start scanning for the source. He's spent enough time doing FEA that he can be seen pointing at different objects around campus and discussing how their apparent shape will affect the simulation's results. Outside of thinking about FEA.... Never mind, its always FEA.
Navya Agrawal
Simulation and Validation Lead
Navya is a third-year computer science major from Allen, Texas and this year's simulation and validation lead. She is also the Vice President of Longhorn Racing. When she is not dropping a sharpie in the intake, she'll often be found staring at Ferrari's. You'll often find her in the ETC making "funky" graphs that defy the laws of physics and daydreaming about tires. Fun Fact: she is the first simval lead with a driver's license :)

Arjun Bhatia
Aerodynamics Lead